Multipage brochure for Lange Bros. Woodworking, a contractor for premium custom architectural woodwork and cabinetry. (cover and several spreads shown.)
Trifold brochure promoting the advantages of membership in the Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce. Also provided all copy, written from a bulleted list of benefits. (Cover, first fold, and inside spread shown.)
Trifold brochure promoting the advantages of membership in the Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce. Also provided all copy, written from a bulleted list of benefits. (Cover, first fold, and inside spread shown.)
Promotional brochure for non-profit social services organization focusing on inner-city youth and families (3 views)
Pocket folder for nursery and landscape design firm
16-page corporate brochure for design-build provider of advanced technology glazed structures (Cover and sample spread)
4-page brochure for Nunn-Bush Shoes to explain and sell their Comfort-Gel shoe inserts to retailers. Design, layout and photo-direction included conceiving exploded diagram with photos and photoshop effects. (Front/back cover and inside spread)
4-page brochure for Nunn-Bush Shoes to explain and sell their Comfort-Gel shoe inserts to retailers. Design, layout and photo-direction included conceiving exploded diagram with photos and photoshop effects. (Front/back cover and inside spread)
6-page brochure for commercial van interior conversion firm
(cover, inside panel, and inside spread shown.)
(cover, inside panel, and inside spread shown.)
24-page informational brochure for potential law firm clients
(Cover and sample spread shown.)
4-page B2B sales brochure for memory foam mattress company to sell to potential retailers, client also needed corporate logo design and individual logos designed for each product, and retail packaging designs for a line of matching pillows
Concept brochure for hotel marketing startup company selling in-room display events to architects and furniture manufacturers
4-page B2B sales brochure of bedside small electronics for hotels and motels
Cover of B2B sales brochure for LED lightbulbs, included creating company logo and retouching stock photography for brochure
B2B sales brochure cover for drapery hardware manufacturer selling to luxury resorts and spas
Example of inside spread from B2B sales brochure of manufacturer making custom upholstered furniture for cocktail lounges and country clubs
Brochure for Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions promoting sponsorship opportunities for their global non-profit organization
Small rack brochure promoting annual conference of Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers. Front cover/first flap, and inside 4-panel spread